This is an outstanding film guide. It is very comprehensive, but enjoyable to read as the author has clear definitions and annotated photos of films throughout.
This is an outstanding film guide. It is very comprehensive, but enjoyable to read as the author has clear definitions and annotated photos of films throughout.
author/zdennis/page/9 - CutPrintFilm.com - Movie Reviews ... This movie has a sense of humour. The director & crew bicker amongst themselves & act somewhat goofy.
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
This is an outstanding film guide. It is very comprehensive, but enjoyable to read as the author has clear definitions and annotated photos of films throughout.
author/zdennis/page/9 - CutPrintFilm.com - Movie Reviews ... This movie has a sense of humour. The director & crew bicker amongst themselves & act somewhat goofy.
It's a strong film with superb acting by the main leads. They have great chemistry together. Most outstanding is Paul Giamatti who plays the tormented.
There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
The film is pretty darn slow in the first half, but 100% gripping and intense in the second half. The visuals are phenomenally beautiful and ... A cozy .
The acting is great, I really enjoyed the directing and noticed several homages throughout. The camera work and audio both added quite a bit to the feel of the ...
Reagan, the movie, reminds us why courage and vision, tenacity and faith remain vitally important character qualities in our leaders.
Our parents' guide goes beyond the MPAA ratings: Movies are rated according to how much sex, nudity, violence, gore & profanity they contain.