This movie is brilliant. A hidden gem of a comedic masterpiece. The audience score on this is out to lunch. If you have half a brain you will love this movie.
Movie Reviews and Information: blu/black_christmas
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The film surprisingly finds itself a fine amount of humor that actually works. There are as many laughs, if not more, as tense moments in the ...
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
Grain levels are occasionally chunky with a few discoloration issues, but appear 'accurate' to my eye. The color quality has been revised ...
This movie is overdue for a new Blu-ray release IMO; I've always really enjoyed it. I have the Canadian Blu-ray disc which has the theatrical ...
As we've already reviewed Bob Clark's creepy anti-holiday film a couple of times, I'll leave it to those reviews for full thoughtful analysis.
It's funny you said “they don't spoon feed you all the information” but the audience has much more info than the characters at all times in ...
Restored here in grainy '70s splendour, Clark's film is tense and unnerving, with a denouement that is the equal of its more famous holiday cousin. Pour some ...
Pitched as a #MeToo-era slasher flick under the Blumhouse brand, the reality is a movie merely paying lip service to a worthy cause.
With noticeable flickering and dark areas that bleed into one another, I'd have to say it's probably the best this film has looked on Blu-ray, ...
The film feels like a wild animal let loose, with nothing holding them back. It is angry and controversial with no fuck's given.