Universal Soldier: Regeneration is a sequel to Universal Soldier, which brought back both Van Damme as Deveraux and Lundgren as Andrew Scott. A refreshing .
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With stolen top-secret technology, terrorists have created a next-generation Universal Soldier - an elite fighter genetically altered into a programmable ... A ...
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Universal Soldier: Regeneration revived the franchise in 2009 by disregarding the events of The Return, as well as its made-for-cable predecessors.
Universal Soldier began in 1992 before suffering from some tawdry sequels. Then John Hyams revived the franchise in spectacular fashion.
Universal Soldier special is the remarkable fact that its two most recent, direct-to-DVD sequels are, far and away, the best installments of the series.
Universal Soldier is an action franchise starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. It encompasses six films (some of which are not canon).
The fourth "Universal Soldier" installment will reunite Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren, who co-starred in the 1992 original and the third installment, ...
It featured two resurrected soldiers eternally at war, products of a system that would allow them to kill and kill again over the years.
Regeneration ignores the sequels that followed and works as a direct follow-up to the original. In it, Deveraux, played with a quiet intensity ...
Universal Soldier: Regeneration is a sequel to Universal Soldier, which brought back both Van Damme as Deveraux and Lundgren as Andrew Scott.