Its acting and cast is fantastic. With a very fitting score and exciting action sequences, it is a great epic that will leave you feeling great.
Movie Reviews and Information: news/legend-trailer
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The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
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Comments267. Brock Underwood. Missed a golden opportunity to call this movie Kray Kray.
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A dissolute private detective (Hiroshi Abe) attempts to reconnect with his distrustful family following the death of his father.
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Tom Hardy co-stars with himself to play notorious London gangsters Ron and Reggie Kray in director Brian Helgeland's violent period drama.
This is such a brilliant trailer, the score, how the voice evolves from typical movie voice to pure, spine tingling Evil.