Its acting and cast is fantastic. With a very fitting score and exciting action sequences, it is a great epic that will leave you feeling great.
Its acting and cast is fantastic. With a very fitting score and exciting action sequences, it is a great epic that will leave you feeling great.
There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
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A dissolute private detective (Hiroshi Abe) attempts to reconnect with his distrustful family following the death of his father.
Hey r/Minecraft,. We're aware there are lots of people who have thoughts on the new A Minecraft Movie teaser trailer, both positive and ...
'The Legend of Hercules' is, I can't deny, a reasonably okay movie to put on in the background while you are doing something else.
It's a great movie that has its own life force. It's not like anything Garland has made. It's not like anything anyone has made, even though it contains echoes ...
Feels more like a music video than a movie. Fragmented and incoherent scenes. Good actors but severly lacking in plot and characterization. No substance but ok ...
Alex Garland's Civil War so diabolically clever is the way that it both revels in and abhors our fascination with the idea of America as a battlefield.