Begin Again is just not as good. It feels like a lame sequel where they just kind of spew out a weaker version of the original. It's not ...
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I enjoyed Once but wasn't a big fan of Begin Again. You can read my review if you want. I felt the conceit was too similar to Once but not as ...
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It's a friendly little indie displaying some fine performances and a clever storytelling style, even if its musical tastes are far more conventional.
I felt that Again, Rachel intertwines the themes of love, loss and recovery, brilliantly, which she achieves largely through her superb command of dialogue.
Filled with a friend group that feels like family, an empowering journey of finding your own way, and a Just Kiss Already! romance, BEGIN AGAIN is an ...
there's a great cast, no crazy action or unrealistic plots, and it just shows you the path or creativity song writers are on. it's beautiful!
The new film excels as a pop-music fairy tale, but its real-world notes are seriously off-key. The movie originally traveled the film-fest ...
Begin Again is messy in the way only a good book knows how to reflect real life. Things do not always go as planned as Andie finds after not being accepted ...
I've never been disappointed by one of her books (even the ones that maybe don't sound like my favorite premise) – and luckily BEGIN AGAIN was ...
I would definitely suggest this film to any young adult (and older) that wants a good Friday night or date night movie to watch on the couch. The drama and ...