Entourage isn't a very good movie. It's hard to even call it a movie because it's basically Entourage season 9 crammed into an hour and a half theatrical film.
Entourage isn't a very good movie. It's hard to even call it a movie because it's basically Entourage season 9 crammed into an hour and a half theatrical film.
Entourage isn't a very good movie. It's hard to even call it a movie because it's basically Entourage season 9 crammed into an hour and a half theatrical film.
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
It's not entertaining, it's depressing and it's a movie that the cast and crew need more than any audience. There is no film nutrition in ...
The movie was well done. It had its cheesy moments and skipped over a couple storylines from the end of the show but mostly it brought back what I loved about ...
The film ends with nary a beat of real doubt or uncertainty as to the fate of our heroes. The experience of watching it is like being nudged out ...
This movie is brilliant. A hidden gem of a comedic masterpiece. The audience score on this is out to lunch. If you have half a brain you will love this movie.
The new feature-film Entourage, written and directed by the series' creator, Doug Ellin, picks up its protagonists pretty much exactly where it left them in ...
Final Thoughts: Based on the popular HBO TV series, Entourage: The Movie is a middling comedy that feels more like an extended episode of the ...
Loved the cameos that pop up in this movie as they come at a rapid fire pace. The story is a little weak and the ending a little unstasifying. I really hope the ...
Entourage isn't a very good movie. It's hard to even call it a movie because it's basically Entourage season 9 crammed into an hour and a half theatrical film.