This movie is creepy, dark, twisted, and really good. The cast is perfect. The twists and turns keep you right on the edge of your seat.
This movie is creepy, dark, twisted, and really good. The cast is perfect. The twists and turns keep you right on the edge of your seat.
SXSW: Lake Bodom - CutPrintFilm.com - Movie Reviews. This movie is creepy, dark, twisted, and really good. The cast is perfect. The twists and turns keep you ...
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
SXSW: Lake Bodom - CutPrintFilm.com - Movie Reviews. This movie is creepy, dark, twisted, and really good. The cast is perfect. The twists and turns keep you ...
SXSW Film Review: 'Lake Bodom'. A fictional riff on an unsolved Finnish murder case includes a host of surprises in a smart genre package.
Variety. TOP CRITIC. The review. "Lake Bodom" is not so much a slasher film as a meta-slasher film, toying knowingly with genre conventions and touchstones.
'Lake Bodom' Review: SXSW Film Festival · Comments Section · Community Info Section · More posts you may like.
It is a very solid and welcome entry in the slasher subgenre. Upheld by a rather smart script, solid performances, and slick direction.
Boring, predictable, unlikable characters, and a film that didn't really know what it wanted to be. Is how I would sum this movie up. It reminded me of Wolf ...
This movie is creepy, dark, twisted, and really good. The cast is perfect. The twists and turns keep you right on the edge of your seat. A refreshing ...
'Lake Bodom' Review: SXSW Film Festival. Review.