There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
Movie Reviews and Information: reviews/the-finest-hours/
Suggest a Movie - Updated Movie Reviews. The film is pretty darn slow in the first half, but 100% gripping and intense in the second half.
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
So, this movie was an old fashioned feel-good, heroes-save-the-day, morality driven drama. I loved it for that. So many films of our era are overly laced with ...
"The Finest Hours" is a great movie that I highly recommend for all adults and mature children. It's clean enough for all kids, though very young kids may be ...
The waterlogged disaster movie “The Finest Hours” is a moderately gripping whoosh of nostalgia that shamelessly recycles the '50s cliché of the squeaky-clean ...
Such a rescue is indeed inspiring and remarkable, and everyone involved with it deserves a far better retelling than this insipid, unimaginative ...
Dove Review. “The Finest Hours” is a riveting movie in its telling of the true story of a rescue mission at sea in 1952. The special ...
I just think it was a weak, cliched script. Should have worked, but didn't. Very forgettable. They took a true story and managed to make it feel contrived.
A refreshing movie that focuses on the virtues of selflessness and bravery. Show more. This title has: Great messages; Great role models. Helpful
There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...