It's a fascinating tale about AI with internal logic. The plot is very clever and the lead cast was brilliant. It's the best AI movie after Blade Runner & .
It's a fascinating tale about AI with internal logic. The plot is very clever and the lead cast was brilliant. It's the best AI movie after Blade Runner & .
CutPrintFilm.com - Updated Movie Reviews. The film is pretty darn slow in the first half, but 100% gripping and intense in the second half.
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
CutPrintFilm.com - Updated Movie Reviews. The film is pretty darn slow in the first half, but 100% gripping and intense in the second half.
This movie is brilliant. A hidden gem of a comedic masterpiece. The audience score on this is out to lunch. If you have half a brain you will love this movie.
Ex Machina leans heavier on ideas than effects, but it's still a visually polished piece of work -- and an uncommonly engaging sci-fi feature.
The set-up is minimalistic, with four characters and a few sets. The acting is top-notch while the sets are out of a Grand Designs house where ...
We are watching Alex Garland's 2015 Ex Machina. Find out how to watch this modern sci-fi classic on its JustWatch page.
Ex Machina is one of the more brilliant artificial intelligence movies I've seen in quite some time. Full ...
The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
If you're into like, scary movies, that's. That's a good night. It's so disturbing, like in a way that it's not like. gory or anything. It is, ...