There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
While this movie is a more mild rated R film, it is a much darker and grittier superhero movie. Almost all of the jokes and slap stick moments in the ...
And while four hours on the surface may seem like a bit much, the film wastes very little of this time. There is a bit of a slow start, but once ...
Justice League 2017 was a better film than the Snyder Cut, and a better conclusion to the trilogy [spoilers]
I may sound like the biggest of comic book-superhero story geeks, but it must be said: Zack Snyder's Justice League is a much better movie.
I was happy ZSJL got released but I wasn't expecting anything amazing. However, Zack Snyder's Justice League was surprisingly really good! It ...
The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
Snyder's cut is an ensemble picture that does as good a job as MCU's “Avengers” films of presenting a band of heroes as strong-willed, fully- ...
Zack Snyder's Justice League is an ambitious, magnificent movie setting itself the epic mission of re-engineering ancient and contemporary Western Myth.