A pulpy, Texas-set thriller based on hard-boiled horror/thriller author Joe Lansdale's novel, fails to capture the discomfiting qualities that make it a Joe ...
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Crime thriller is brilliantly twisty but gruesomely violent. Read Common Sense Media's Cold in July review, age rating, and parents guide.
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What starts off as a simplistic revenge thriller soon complicates itself into an absorbingly comedic drama, whilst still shrouded in pulpy neo-noir aesthetics.
A superior piece of Texas pulp fiction that starts out like a house on fire, sags a bit in the middle, then rallies for an exuberantly bloody finish.
A superbly written and enjoyably pulpy neo-noir that delivers offbeat thrills and some blackly comic laughs, thanks to Mickle's confident direction and a trio ...
Like I stated before, Don Johnson absolutely steals the show, without a doubt. He is fantastic, funny, slick, convincing, and looks damn good ...
Breezy sleek noir thriller​​ Cold in July is deceptively unassuming, it's quiet in building the suspense then it savors the violence in healthy dose. The movie ...
This rapturous and sweaty thriller, about a man's journey into his own fear and obsession, crept up on me in an ambush of filmmaking and ...
Jim Mickle's Cold in July is a noir thriller that at first seems straightforward, compact, scary but a mite predictable.