This movie is brilliant. A hidden gem of a comedic masterpiece. The audience score on this is out to lunch. If you have half a brain you will love this movie.
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There are excellent performances, lots of engaging references and the odd good scene or line, but overall it lacks substance, reality and grit. Full Review ...
Classic US and Foreign Movies on DVD
Welcome to Me - - Movie Reviews ... This movie is brilliant. A hidden gem of a comedic masterpiece. The audience score on this is out to lunch.
I really enjoyed Prometheus and all the links to the previous Alien films. It was nice the the film was set up for both fans and casual watchers to enjoy.
The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
The animation is top-notch, the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, the pacing is excellent and it's an all-around blast to watch.
Amy Poehler's outstanding performance makes Joy simultaneously the strongest and weakest character in the film (emotionally, that is). ... And you will laugh. And ...
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A film by Amy Poehler comes to Netflix, based on a young adult novel about a high school girl rediscovering her mother's feminist roots and feeling empowered.